Course Syllabus
On this page you will find the course syllabus for our band classes. Please refer to this for any questions about what the classes have to offer.
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2024-2025 Course Syllabus
Mann Band
Teacher: Mr. Colton D. Stewart
Phone: 864-355-6359
Tutoring Hours: Wednesday/Friday, 3:45-4:30pm (by appointment only)
Course Description:
The J.L. Mann Academy Mann Band is designed to provide students with a comprehensive and enriching musical experience through the study and performance of band music. This course is open to students with prior musical experience on band instruments such as flute, oboe, clarinet/bass clarinet, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, bari saxophone, bassoon, french horn, trumpet, trombone, tuba, and percussion. Throughout the course, students will develop essential skills in music theory, music history, sight-reading, and ensemble performance. Students study a wide variety of music including: Contemporary and popular music, as well as traditional standard band repertoire. Emphasis will be placed on fostering a strong sense of teamwork, discipline, and artistic expression. Students will participate in school concerts, community and state events, and festivals. After school rehearsals and performances are part of the course and are considered an extension of the classroom. Students in this ensemble may receive honors credit if the prerequisites are met.
Student Learning Outcomes:
By the successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
Be able to read and write difficult, complex examples of rhythmic and tonal notation.
Be able to demonstrate and define musical performance terms and symbols used in a band setting.
Be able to identify textures in band music and approaches to be used with each.
Demonstrate superior development of the following while playing their instrument: intonation, tone quality, styles, increased range, resonance, stylistic variations, and phrasing techniques.
Gain an appreciation for the history of music by studying and performing music from a variety of style periods, composers, and cultural traits of location and time.
Be able to evaluate musical performance.
Be able to create and notate musical compositions.
Course Outline
First Semester Second Semester
Band Music Fundamentals Solo & Ensemble Preparation
Components of a Successful Band Solo & Ensemble Event
Fall Concert Preparation Spring Concert Preparation
Required Fall Concert Required Spring Concert
Fall Performance Performance Trip TBD
Winter Concert Preparation All-State Audition Preparation
Required Winter Concert All-State Event
All-Region Auditions Preparation Concert Performance Assessment Preparation
Concert Performance Assessment Event
Graduation TBD
Required Materials:
Music Folder
Sticks/Mallets (percussion class only)
There is a $50.00 rental fee** this year. This should be paid via SchoolBucks
**Rental fee is only for individuals using school instruments**
Class Expectations:
BE ON TIME. Early is on time, on time is late, late is unacceptable. Tardies will be counted and school discipline procedures will be followed. Come into class, get your folder and pencil, and be in your seat by the time the bell rings. Bell work or playing assignments should begin promptly.
BE PREPARED. Have a pencil (NOT PEN), music, and folder for every rehearsal. Leave backpacks, bags, and other belongings on the floor, against the wall, not by your seat. Study and practice your music before rehearsal officially begins. Engage our minds in the process of making music.
BE RESPECTFUL of your director, your peers, and the property of others. There should be no talking during rehearsal time, with the exception of breaks/transitions, unless given permission.
BE FOCUSED. Pay attention to your director at all times. Cell phones will be put away during class. Seek EXCELLENCE every day! Hard work beats talent if talent doesn’t work hard.
BE ENTHUSIASTIC. PLAY! Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and be passionate about what you’re playing. We are here to learn and grow together.
BE ACCURATE. Don’t guess! Play what is written on the page unless told otherwise. Ask questions if you are unsure of what you should be doing or playing
BE PROFESSIONAL. Practice excellent stage and rehearsal etiquette at all times. Be a professional musician while in this room. You are what you repeatedly do.
Course Policies:
Grading Practices
Grades will be categorized in one of two categories: Major or Minor
Major grades are 60% of the student’s quarter grade. There will be a minimum of 4 major grades each quarter.
Minor grades are 40% of the student’s quarter grade. There will be a minimum of 12 minor grades each quarter.
Late Work Policy
Major: Students will have five school days to turn in a missed major assessment without academic penalty. After 5 school days, the student will receive a zero.
Minor: Students will have five school days to turn in a missed minor assessment with a ten point deduction each day. After 5 school days, the student will receive a zero.
Concerts: If a student misses a concert and has an appropriate excuse, students will refer to the major grade policy. If a student misses a concert without excuse, the student will receive a zero without ability to make up the assessment grade.
Retake Policy
If a student would like to retake a major or minor assessment (excluding concerts), they can retake the assessment.
To retake an assessment, the student should do the following:
Consult with the teacher to plan next steps for remediation
Make contact and complete the retake within five school days.
Makeup Work Policy
Once a student returns to school after an absence or consecutive absences, the student has 5 days to make up any work from the time period they missed.
Technology Use Policy
Students will place cell phones in their backpack/locker for the duration of the rehearsal/class. This is to allow for full focus on the tasks at hand.
Students may only use their cell phones at the director's discretion and for certain assignments/projects.
Students will only be allowed to use school issued computers for certain assignments when the director instructs them to do so.
If a student is caught with their cell phone or device out when they have not been instructed to do so, the teacher will:
Give a warning and ask to put the device away
Take the device for the remainder of the class period
Take the device to the front office, and make a parent phone call regarding the situation.